Jumat, 11 April 2014

Contoh Conversationt Discusiont

Issue :
The Oplosan dance is the new dance from event television  of YKS .  This dance easily  known  the public so make it famous .  The dance  come  from the artist 's own of YKS . This dance is made in such a way to entertain the public . It is a cause of debate in some parties . That is from the FPI ( Islamic Defenders Front )   and  KPI  ( Indonesian Broadcasting Commission ) .  What do you think about that?

Argument For :
Most  people accept this oplosan dance well , because they consider this dance can be entertaining . And with the dance oplosan this YKS , dangdut has begun and more rampant oplosan song that was once only known in East and Central Java, is now becoming known throughout Indonesia .

Argument againts :
However , this oplosan dance opposed by some community organizations , between is KPI and FPI . Indonesian Broadcasting Commission ( KPI ) provide a firm reprimand by providing administrative sanctions on Trans TV . Therefore , a conglomerate owned TV station broadcasts Chaerul Tanjung, “Yuk Keep Smile program featuring erotic dancing in oplosan dance . Islamic Defenders Front ( FPI ) protest loudly event Yuk Keep Smile ( YKS ) on Trans TV . According to organisation's leader, Habib Rizieq , in addition to not educate , This dance show from YKS is very erotic and sensual .
Conclusion :
Actually , this oplosan dance is not erotic and sensual when used clothing unimpressed sexy dancers and vulgar . And better if the changed to not erotic and sensual . But, YKS and creator of the dance team , artist YKS already changed the dance oplosan to not erotic and sensual . So that there is no contradiction again from community organizations .

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